1. Herbal healing - A guide to a natural "healing" lifestyle
1.1. Origin of herbal healing
“Healing” not only implies healing physical ailments but also has a deeper meaning of healing the wounds of the soul. According to medical research from thousands of years ago, many different healing therapies can be mentioned such as meditation, yoga, reiki, and aroma,... Which, herbal healing see is one of the oldest existing therapies in the world, capable of releasing negative energy, balancing emotions, and bringing about a healthier body and clearer mind.
Plants known as herbs have medicinal and healing qualities. Herbs have been a common part of the diet in India for more than 5000 years, helping to enhance several vital physiological processes for people such as digestion, assimilation, substance absorption, and tissue regeneration. Herbs continue to be relied upon by Indians as a resource for natural health care and lifestyle choices in this nation.
The well-known macrobiotic diet, a plant-based diet, has been linked to significant improvements in people's physical and mental health, according to an extensive study conducted in Japan. Additionally, the traditional Korean dish of lapsang emphasizes the therapeutic benefits of phytochemicals, which are organic compounds present in plants that have pharmacological value for human health.
1.2. The restorative and healing power of herbs
Following Oriental medicine, each herb has a variety of therapeutic benefits for people. Healthy plants, like eucalyptus, ginger, licorice, lemongrass, and reishi can help with pain relief, detoxification, and eradicate weariness. In addition, beneficial herbs used in Oriental medicine have unique advantages for the health of the body and mind, including promoting blood circulation, restoring energy after exhaustingly active days, and enhancing the physical appearance and skin health.
In particular, the gentle aroma of herbs brings the ability to reduce stress and stress effectively. They are considered a natural aromatherapy that helps to balance emotions and purify the mind magically, very good in relieving the mood of the patient. For those who often fall into a state of tossing, difficulty falling asleep, or chronic insomnia, medicinal herbs are an indispensable benign "golden" remedy to help them have a fuller, better, and deeper sleep...
2. The perfect combination of therapeutic and herbal massage
In contrast to traditional therapeutic massage, a unique blend of natural herbs with physical therapy massage techniques, full-body acupressure, and direct impact on acupuncture points has a significant impact on the rapid treatment of joint pain. Additionally, as each mild impact is applied to a different part of the body, oxygen is gradually delivered to more cells and the feelings of numbness and headaches are eliminated. shoulders and the neck are typical.